Musings of a Lady

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Whoa! Is it April already?

Dear readers, I have been terribly neglectful!  In a nutshell I have been consumed by my job and my energy at home has been focused on just making ends meet.  So, with that said, I have not been very focused on my blog and must apologize to you all.

I believe that since I last posted, I had started an 18th century corset.  Well it is all cut out and now in a project box, waiting.  The corded petticoat that I started last fall is also on hold.  The problem is I do not have a deadline (an event to work towards) and so there is a lot of start and stop, start again and stop again.  Will these two projects become like the other UFO's (unfinished objects)?  I hope not.  In any case, I am in the process of working on a late 1930's evening gown for the Art Deco Society's annual Preservation Ball.  Once I get that done, I plan on getting back to the corset and then the petticoat. 

This is short and sweet and with out pictures as I just wanted to post so you wouldn't think I had fallen off the horizon.  I will get something posted weekly from now on.  I am determined! 

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