Hey, I am back! Apologies once again for being MIA. Lots of reasons but none that warrant sharing. None the less, I have something beautiful to share. The back story is that I was not able to attend a gift exchange that my Stitch and Bitch group enjoy annually on 12th Night. Being absent I was unable to receive my gift from my secret Santa. In February at another SnB meeting, my secret Santa gave me my gift. It was this beautiful sewing chatelaine! She made it using a Godey's pattern. Here it is!
It has a needle book, a pouch for thimble and thread winder, scissors and a pin card. |
The top is a beautiful multi-petaled bow with a hook to allow it to hang from skirt waist. |
Details of the business ends of the ribbons. |
I was so touched by her time and effort to make me such a lovely gift. Goodness me! I will have to make an ensemble for this! I think it would get lost on my latest Dicken's Christmas faire dress you saw on an earlier post.
http://lachatelainechocolat.blogspot.com/2011/12/le-modiste-1840s-successfully-completed.html. The pattern of the dress would totally fight with the ribbon pattern. Well, I was planning a different outfit for next year - oops this year's Dicken's event - something I don't have to wear a bonnet with. Yes, I love the bonnet I made but I hate wearing them. I am a jaunty hat girl. Anyone with me on that?
Nonetheless, I have told my friend repeatedly that she could do an Etsy site for her products. I am sure there are other ladies of a sewing nature that would love this for their re-enactment outfits. Like I said, she used a primary source - a period Godey's book - to craft this, so those who have to wear 'authentic' tools and accessories, would this work? I will certainly encourage her to really consider sharing her talents!
Next on my horizon: 1). Designing and making a dinner dress for the GBACG Titanic Dinner (April) 2). Pull out the fabric and design I created 2 years ago for the Art Deco Society of California's Preservation ball. The dress will totally work for this years ball because we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge. The dress is crepe silk in an orange red that is similar to the deco period industrial orange! (May)